Luna Farm wins the Golden Pony®

Luna Farm wins the Golden Pony®

News - Luna Farm vince il Golden Pony

The Golden Pony® Awards is one of the leading international awards in the entertainment industry.

It was established in 2002 by Facto Edizioni’s GAMES & PARKS INDUSTRY magazine to recognise excellence in theme parks, leisure facilities and industry personalities. To date, more than 350 winners have received the prestigious statuette, representing over 50 countries worldwide.

The 25th edition of the event was held in Bergantino (Italy) and awarded 10 parks from different countries, including Luna Farm, the park designed and developed by Team Park Project.

Congratulations to the park’s staff for their efforts in maintaining high standards of customer satisfaction and, of course, to the Zamperla Group, which has made a name for itself in amusement park management and manufacturing of amusement rides by always putting safety and inclusiveness first.

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