
The feasibility study determines whether the amusement park project is feasible and viable.

important tool for obtaining funding from investors, banks, and other stakeholders. The preparation of the feasibility study follows a proven process:

Expected visitors and dimensioning parameters

After carefully analysing the market (weather, demographics, competition, spending power of the population), we determine the annual park attendance and define the Design Day, i.e. the expected number of visitors on the peak day of a high season week.

From this figure, we calculate all the dimensioning parameters to determine how many entertainment units are needed to satisfy the expected visitors. We then define the opening schedule, calculate the necessary personnel, and choose the best pricing strategy.

Visitatori Attesi-Studio di fattibilità

Business Plan

We calculate the necessary investments, revenues and expected costs. We then prepare a ten-year business plan and a final report highlighting, among other things, the return on investment and the strengths and weaknesses of the project.

Studio Di Fattibilità

Scope of work

  • Market analysis
  • Expected visitors and dimensioning parameters
  • Pricing strategy
  • Opening schedule and personnel costs
  • Preliminary investment analysis
  • Ten-year business plan
  • Final report

The Concept Design must be defined before proceeding with the Feasibility Study.

The Concept Design must be defined before proceeding with the Feasibility Study.

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